On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 9:11 AM, opus and roscoe cats wrote:
As long we we can love each other, and remember the feeling of love we had, we can die without ever really going away. All the love you created is still there. All the memories are still there. You live on-in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here". -Morris S. Schwartz: Tuesdays With Morrie
Just when I think that I can't cry any more, an entire new flood of tears come. I am swallowed by a grief so deep, that I feel my heart is caving in. Last night our beloved Roscoe went over the rainbow bridge. He took a sudden turn for the worse late last night. At 4am we rushed him to the closest 24 hour clinic located near Bologna. The vet worked with Roscoe for hours, doing everything in his power to save our sweet baby. Roscoe's system seemed to be shutting down. Three times he quit breathing on his own and three times he wasintubated and assisted with his breathing. Three times he came back to us. The vet pushed onward telling us that Roscoe's heart was very strong that he was putting a good fight. He was convinced that if we could just get Roscoe stabilized, that there would be hope for treatment.
The fourth time sweet Roscoe stopped breathing, I wanted to scream "STOP IT!" as the vet intubated him for the fourth time. I didn't want to be the one to give up, but I didn't want Roscoe to go through anymore. Somehow that sweet little cat saved me having to do it. Before I could utter the words his little heart gave up and death came to carry him gently over the bridge.
I am devastated. Please don't one more person tell me that "it's only a cat". For those of you who can say that, I pity you for you have never really experience the unconditional love and friendship of an animal.
We loving placed Roscoe in a beautiful wicker basket. He was wrapped in his favorite blanket and surround by photos of his family. We also placed in a few of his favorite toys, including a catnip sack his Grandma had given him and a red mouse from his friendAsta; red was Roscoe's color. We secured the basket and placed a photo of Rosoce on the top, along with his name and a poem. He sleeps now under the beautiful plum tree in yard, near a fragrant lavender bush.
I don't know if I will continue this blog. There has never been an Opus without a Rosoce; going on without Roz seems wrong. To all of you who have sent along your prayers and well wishes, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I promise to respond to each and every one of you, but for now I will take some time off to grieve and snuggle with Opus.
Roscoe will live on forever in the hearts and minds of those lives he touched....
We are so, so sorry to read this... Roscoe will forever be in our hearts.
Love and Purrrs, China Cat & Willow and Mom Teri
We are so very sorry to hear about Roscoe. Losing a beloved cat has to be the saddest thing. When the pain subsides a bit,remember all the joyous times.
Purrs Mickey,Georgia,Tillie &Mom Nancy
We are so, so sorry! We know how you feel. It was similar with Bonnie; systems shutting down, intubated when she stopped breathing twice... Yes, Roscoe will always live on in your heart and ours. We understand. Don't let ANYONE say he was "just a cat!" Purrs and tears,
Tabbymom Jen, Victor, & Nina
We are so sorry for the loss of your beloved family member. He will be forever in our hearts and minds!
look at that face, i could just kiss it all over,
honey's mommie
I lost my best friend and companion, Bogey, a few months ago. Held him in my arms as the vet administered the medicine to take away his pain forever and cried in her arms after he was taken away. Never thought I'd feel this way about an animal again but I did. I still miss him very much. My house is too quiet and seems to miss the 11 years of him being here. I can't even wear the clothes I wore that day, it hurts too much to remember what I did the last day I wore them.
Bogey and Roscoe are at the bridge and we will see them again someday, running toward us to greet us. Oh, wait, they are cats. They will rub up against us, meow loudly and wait for us to pick them up and love them . . . and it will be wonderful.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
We just heard and came rushing right over. We are so very, very sorry for your loss...
Sorry to hear about the loss of your lovely boy. We know you must have a pussy cat shaped hole in your heart. He was a lucky fellow though to be living with so much love and to be able to have you by his side at the end.
Sending you purrs and hugs from across the ocean.
Poppy and Julie Q
I am so very sorry to read that dear Roscoe didn't make it. I am sending you all some rumbly purrs and much love.
We are so sorry to learn that Roscoe had to leave you. He was never "just a cat" and my Mom would have a few "just words" to say to anyone who would tell you that.
It is never easy. May your good memories comfort you as time goes on.
Love and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and prrrrrrrrs and gentle tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily, Ruckus and Mom Rebecca
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